11.   Coinstar will add additional markets later this year while three radio commercials, with a similar creative format, began running this month.

12.   Clinton is not broadcasting any radio commercials in California, but his strategists are considering it.

13.   Consumers are being bombarded by sophisticated television and radio commercials, print ads, billboards and Web sites that are self-reflexively devoted to advertising.

14.   Discussions are under way about also donating radio commercials and print advertisements to the library.

15.   For example, it plans to run radio commercials and print ads in local newspapers starting in the second quarter.

16.   For years, soothing voices on radio commercials urged us to drop out of the commercial rat race.

17.   For years, the discount jeweler has run radio commercials notable for his whiny, dental-drill voice.

18.   Ford also recorded radio commercials attacking Herenton.

19.   Further, without visual cues, radio commercials convey much less information than televised ones.

20.   He also cut radio commercials for Richards.

n. + commercial >>共 188
television 58.61%
campaign 7.53%
radio 5.12%
beer 3.44%
car 1.44%
liquor 0.96%
attack 0.56%
pizza 0.56%
food 0.56%
shoe 0.48%
radio + n. >>共 387
station 29.37%
report 7.58%
show 4.63%
broadcast 3.67%
interview 3.31%
address 3.21%
contact 2.67%
program 2.28%
host 2.01%
signal 1.63%
commercial 0.47%
每页显示:    共 64