11.   They also set up a radiation monitor outside the space station as well as a gas-sniffing gauge to detect any ammonia coolant leaks.

12.   They also set up a radiation monitor outside the space station and tried to test a gas-sniffing gauge but it malfunctioned.

13.   They have to wear permanently a radiation monitor which is read every month and every year they are given a medical examination.

n. + monitor >>共 257
computer 13.77%
election 12.04%
police 8.81%
television 7.83%
weapon 6.11%
arm 4.84%
peace 4.15%
heart 2.48%
color 1.79%
cease-fire 1.38%
radiation 0.75%
radiation + n. >>共 174
treatment 16.90%
level 11.29%
therapy 10.40%
leak 10.40%
exposure 8.20%
dose 2.19%
detector 1.87%
experiment 1.79%
leakage 1.38%
release 1.30%
monitor 1.06%
每页显示:    共 13