11.   The small snag is that it costs considerably more than the purchase price to buy a licence to use them and a licence is required for each computer.

12.   In respect of any assets held under finance leases, an amount representing the original outright purchase price is included in the cost of fixed assets.

13.   They continued their bloodthirsty chatter, as they identified the weak and the injured and went over to negotiate a purchase price.

14.   The use of a scarce resource involves not only the purchase price but also the contribution foregone by not being able to accept other opportunities.

15.   Whether or not this is a deposit towards the purchase price is a matter for negotiation.

16.   For such instances to be relevant, the purchase price for the assets must be significantly less than market value.

17.   Therefore a negotiated sum is retained out of the purchase price and some or all will be released to the purchaser once the actual renewal rate is known.

18.   This is normally set at the purchase price or the upper limit of the price if this cannot be determined at completion.

19.   Accordingly, Newco would be liable to pay the VAT in addition to the purchase price for the asset or property concerned.

20.   One of the most useful cases is Geo Mitchell where the limitation of liability was by reference to the purchase price.

n. + price >>共 312
share 23.97%
oil 9.89%
future 4.88%
bond 3.87%
consumer 2.97%
wheat 2.72%
gasoline 2.56%
ticket 2.04%
commodity 1.89%
energy 1.83%
purchase 1.45%
purchase + n. >>共 183
price 41.17%
agreement 9.89%
order 4.95%
plan 4.06%
contract 2.39%
accounting 2.12%
option 1.50%
offer 1.50%
date 1.33%
cost 1.06%
每页显示:    共 463