11.   The Supreme Court ruled that Chiluba did not have to take a DNA test to prove his identity.

12.   These subjects are not always introduced to prove the identity of the person who committed the crime.

13.   Virginia DeMarre, a historian for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, said that Ms. Tantaquidgeon provided the key to proving tribal identity.

14.   Others had nowhere to go because the government could not prove their identity.

15.   A spokesman for the Rangers, who refused to be identified, said people were being freed after they proved their identity.

16.   But even those with relatives in Macedonia were unable to leave as they could not prove their identities.

17.   He also said improved physical identification of workers and visitors, requiring two different methods of proving identity, would be required.

18.   Like many ex-convicts, he had only his release papers to prove his identity.

19.   Most were released after they proved their identity.

20.   Most of them were released after proving their identity.

v. + identity >>共 323
reveal 8.45%
confirm 6.56%
know 6.35%
release 6.04%
disclose 5.49%
establish 4.53%
protect 3.37%
conceal 2.95%
withhold 2.85%
verify 2.75%
prove 1.03%
prove + n. >>共 790
point 10.35%
innocence 5.02%
case 4.72%
worth 3.01%
charge 1.84%
allegation 1.84%
claim 1.53%
mettle 1.44%
boon 1.41%
fitness 1.29%
identity 0.90%
每页显示:    共 30