11.   The covenant protects the buyer whether or not he or she filed.

12.   Virtually every new car comes with a warranty that protects the buyer against major mechanical problems for a specific period of time or for the maximum amount of mileage.

13.   Can we consider such legislation here to protect buyers of faulty goods and make compensation claims a bit more easier.

v. + buyer >>共 310
find 24.14%
attract 11.76%
seek 7.02%
lure 3.75%
identify 2.55%
draw 1.98%
have 1.82%
name 1.82%
turn 1.61%
bring 1.51%
protect 0.68%
protect + n. >>共 1085
child 3.38%
right 2.90%
environment 2.68%
privacy 2.25%
interest 2.02%
people 1.92%
worker 1.66%
consumer 1.37%
civilian 1.07%
investment 1.06%
buyer 0.09%
每页显示:    共 13