11.   With the company now owned by Volkswagen, prospects are brightening.

12.   Production prospects have also brightened in Brazil and Indonesia, thanks to better weather this year, traders said.

13.   Bruton briefed his EU counterparts on major issues facing the EU, most notably the launch of a single currency, whose prospects have brightened in recent weeks.

14.   Grain and soybean futures prices fell steeply Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade as crop prospects brightened.

15.   Prospects recently brightened, and U.S. mediator Richard Holbrooke is in the Balkans trying to arrange a cease-fire and then a peace conference.

16.   Prospects recently brightened, and U.S. mediator Richard Holbrooke is in the Balkans trying to arrange a cease-fire as a prelude to a peace conference.

n. + brighten >>共 92
sky 10.59%
eye 10.17%
outlook 6.78%
prospect 6.78%
face 5.93%
picture 5.93%
light 5.08%
mood 3.81%
flower 1.27%
splash 1.27%
prospect + v. >>共 309
be 43.56%
look 4.74%
seem 4.47%
remain 3.09%
appear 2.82%
improve 1.97%
have 1.65%
make 1.38%
dim 0.85%
brighten 0.85%
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