11.   But record industry critics say online file-sharing programs generate more interest in music.

12.   But the program has generated substantial opposition in Utah and the seven other states where incinerators are planned.

13.   Finally, following rules provided by Cope for assembling Baroque-like inventions, the program would generate a composition.

14.   He was examining the way simple computer programs can generate shaded patterns on grids composed of square cells.

15.   It is a serious puzzle for biologists to explain how two such similar genetic programs generate such different animals.

16.   Most spreadsheet programs already generate charts to show sales or payroll costs.

17.   Not only should such programs generate good will, but they should also build awareness around what Monster does.

18.   The program generates colorful charts and images in three dimensions, and Muse likes its usefulness for translating figures from spreadsheets and databases.

19.   The program has not generated much public controversy.

20.   The program automatically generates walking directions to get you where you want to go by the most direct route.

n. + generate >>共 981
company 3.20%
case 1.87%
economy 1.83%
business 1.83%
program 1.20%
system 1.16%
computer 1.12%
site 0.95%
issue 0.91%
sale 0.87%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
run 1.07%
generate 0.21%
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