11.   But court and agency documents show that adopted wild horses still end up at meat processing plants, at times with help from agency employees.

12.   But for homeowners like Thomas Murray, an executive for a Cincinnati company that cleans food processing plants, even a leveling off of home prices would be chilling.

13.   Cargill also set up its first European soybean processing plants under his leadership and expanded into both steel production and financial services.

14.   Companies that monitor emissions at refineries, petrochemical and natural gas processing plants up and down the Gulf of Mexico coast face a perilous future.

15.   Everyone has the option of wearing gloves if they choose, she said, except those postal employees who work with machinery in mail processing plants.

16.   However, she said she never did another study to determine what would constitute effective chlorine levels in a poultry processing plant.

17.   In West Virginia, they are in chicken processing plants and washing dishes in restaurants.

18.   It is also preparing a global network of grain elevators and processing plants that would segregate and process biotech crops in a way that analysts hope will be profitable.

19.   It operates four cane sugar refineries in Canada and the U.S. and a beet sugar processing plant in Canada.

20.   Jack Rowbotham manages the Omega Packing Co., one of two fish processing plants in town.

v. + plant >>共 810
build 9.77%
close 6.41%
have 4.09%
operate 2.33%
sell 2.19%
use 1.80%
grow 1.67%
buy 1.32%
water 1.32%
run 1.14%
process 1.08%
process + n. >>共 484
application 6.77%
information 3.79%
claim 3.68%
plant 3.44%
transaction 3.15%
order 2.86%
datum 2.57%
request 2.28%
mail 1.40%
food 1.40%
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