11.   Those procedures cost less because a smaller amount of Botox is used.

12.   These procedures can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and the complications can include bleeding, heart attack, stroke and death.

13.   Voters there say faulty machines or procedures cost them a say in the election.

n. + cost >>共 1405
plan 1.46%
mistake 1.30%
project 1.27%
program 1.06%
delay 1.04%
decision 0.98%
move 0.96%
service 0.88%
strike 0.80%
system 0.77%
procedure 0.35%
procedure + v. >>共 318
be 37.39%
take 3.97%
involve 3.52%
require 3.02%
have 2.36%
allow 1.76%
go 1.21%
work 1.21%
become 1.21%
begin 1.06%
cost 0.65%
每页显示:    共 13