11.   On Friday her language was similar, but softer, and she made no promises on prisoner release.

12.   On freedom for Palestinians held in Israeli jails, an emotional issue in the territories, they are divided over the scope and timing of a planned prisoner release.

13.   Prisoner release is one of the top priorities for the IRA in peace talks.

14.   Rewarding prominent visitors with prisoner releases is an established Castro custom, though the numbers are usually far smaller.

15.   The cease-fire accords left out any mention of prisoner releases, for a number of reasons.

16.   The Bosnian Serb authorities in charge of prisoner releases could not be reached for comment.

17.   The disarmament issue is also blocking progress on prisoner releases and the creation of institutional bodies linking Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland to the south.

18.   The Israelis want to include criminals in the prisoner release, and they do not want to release any members of Islamic fundamentalist groups.

19.   The issue of the prisoner release, in particular, is keenly sensitive for Arafat.

20.   The latest land dispute is finally resolved, and they agree on prisoner release for Ramadan.

n. + release >>共 310
prisoner 18.79%
hostage 5.05%
earnings 3.55%
summer 3.18%
fall 3.18%
week 2.80%
movie 2.15%
government 1.96%
gastrin 1.87%
prison 1.68%
prisoner + n. >>共 155
exchange 26.03%
release 21.27%
issue 7.94%
swap 7.72%
transfer 2.54%
group 2.12%
advocate 1.38%
right 1.16%
rebellion 0.85%
demand 0.85%
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