11.   Pollsters measure support by asking voters which candidate they prefer and if they have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each candidate.

12.   Rice said he also now believes voters sometimes prefer candidates with no records.

13.   Voting patterns show that people tend to prefer candidates of their own religion or ethnic group.

14.   Which candidate do you prefer?

15.   Which candidate does he prefer?

16.   Why do Jewish voters generally prefer Democratic candidates?

17.   Yet the same poll also shows that those people most likely to vote in November prefer Republican candidates.

18.   A majority in the CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll said they prefer a candidate who is not tied to the party leaders.

19.   France also indicated it preferred other candidates.

20.   He prefers reformist candidates.

v. + candidate >>共 695
endorse 4.35%
support 3.78%
choose 3.58%
field 3.58%
interview 2.60%
have 2.40%
nominate 2.32%
back 2.14%
help 2.03%
select 1.83%
prefer 0.47%
prefer + n. >>共 1412
company 1.11%
candidate 0.92%
life 0.76%
woman 0.76%
water 0.61%
privacy 0.57%
stock 0.50%
music 0.46%
one 0.46%
sun 0.46%
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