11.   Millennial fever is nothing new -- especially in the United States where various fundamentalist groups have predicted the end in every decade since the World War II.

12.   Myers was cautious in predicting the end of Afghanistan campaign.

13.   No one, however, predicts an end to the flesh trade any time soon.

14.   No market observer is willing to predict an end to the tech bonanza.

15.   Peterson, however, is among those who are not predicting the end of free TV.

16.   Prognosticators are predicting the end of the world, or at least of the bull market.

17.   Protestants, however, periodically attempted to predict the end of the age.

18.   Some Christian writers manipulate the book of Daniel and the Revelation of John to predict the end.

19.   The first of the so-called Fatima secrets supposedly predicted the end of World War I and the coming of World War II.

20.   They had difficulty accepting the apocalyptic visions of the tenant-group professionals who predict an end to civilization as we know it should rent regulations disappear.

v. + end >>共 703
put 11.89%
mark 8.85%
near 6.16%
bring 4.45%
demand 4.29%
mean 4.29%
negotiate 3.58%
signal 2.98%
see 2.79%
reach 2.41%
predict 0.50%
predict + n. >>共 842
victory 4.64%
outcome 3.66%
future 2.75%
rain 2.72%
growth 2.09%
weather 1.95%
success 1.55%
change 1.37%
result 1.29%
end 1.06%
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