11.   Israeli and Palestinian security officials are to meet again on Tuesday to try to agree a precise timetable for a pullback.

12.   An Israeli and a Palestinian general were due to meet for talks later Sunday on a precise timetable for the redeployment.

13.   At UN headquarters in New York, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said there should be a precise timetable to outline a US military withdrawal from Haiti.

14.   But other UN officials balked at laying out any precise timetable, given the volatile nature of the participants.

15.   Mayhew said a precise timetable on the re-openings would be published shortly, but gave no specific date.

16.   Officials said Israel was also still refusing Palestinians demands for a precise timetable for further extensions of self-rule that are due to follow a Hebron deal.

17.   That position put Israel at odds with Syria, which is demanding that talks focus on a precise timetable for the return of the Golan Heights to Syria.

18.   The Palestinians are also demanding a precise timetable for Israeli implementation of other extensions of self-rule, but Israel has refused.

a. + timetable >>共 203
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precise + n. >>共 644
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