11.   GDP growth is perhaps the most important economic policy variable because of its long-term impact on job creation and poverty alleviation.

12.   Given these realities, how then should devolution be implemented relevantly, responsively and proactively to the goal of poverty alleviation, particularly at the village level?

13.   He said his government will focus on poverty alleviation and job creation.

14.   He said in a statement that economic development, poverty alleviation and providing basic social services will help realize political, economic and cultural rights of the Filipinos.

15.   He said this mechanism will sustain the efforts towards poverty alleviation even after the Ramos administration.

16.   He said even with the limited funds, the pace of development must continue and focus on poverty alleviation.

17.   How do the determinants of implementing devolution at the village level interplay for the goal of poverty alleviation?

18.   Hynes said the UNDP is putting together a new programme that will focus on poverty alleviation.

19.   It was also not clear on allocations relating to poverty alleviation.

20.   It also includes a development strategy that promotes poverty alleviation and environmental protection.

n. + alleviation >>共 3
poverty 95.56%
guilt 2.22%
hunger 2.22%
poverty + n. >>共 109
rate 18.91%
reduction 10.51%
summit 8.06%
alleviation 7.53%
program 6.83%
eradication 4.38%
programme 2.28%
problem 2.28%
relief 2.10%
issue 1.75%
每页显示:    共 43