11.   If he possessed mind-reading powers, she was sunk without a trace.

12.   An opulent necklace of gilded silver, pearls and exotic stones is said to possess healing powers.

13.   But for easterners, it would above all be a demonstration that they also possess power that has been dismissed for too long as insignificant.

14.   But he said that the eight were simply mentally disturbed and did not possess supernatural powers.

15.   But possessing power and exercising it are very different things.

16.   But since then, they have been unable to agree on the details of who should serve on the commission, and which powers it should possess.

17.   But youth still retains a special status, as if it possessed a power that adult society can only envy from a distance.

18.   Does he possess magical powers, and are those powers benevolent or malign?

19.   Even without jury reforms, judges possess broad powers to overturn verdicts.

20.   Glen Canyon also possessed the power to kill, and Lee respected that might, especially after almost drowning in a pool in a side canyon.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
possess 0.36%
possess + n. >>共 502
weapon 8.93%
power 4.02%
firearm 3.83%
drug 3.33%
explosive 2.83%
gun 2.14%
cocaine 1.95%
ability 1.89%
arm 1.89%
document 1.38%
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