11.   Every gun owner must acquire a federal photo ID to possess a firearm or even buy a bullet.

12.   Federal law prohibits felons from ever again possessing firearms.

13.   Federal law prohibits felons, even those who have completed prison sentences or parole, from possessing firearms.

14.   Further, the defendants may not possess firearms during their release and may not participate in militia activities.

15.   He was arraigned Saturday on two counts of possessing a firearm without a permit.

16.   In Texas, certain people cannot legally receive or possess firearms.

17.   Leigh was arraigned on Monday before U.S. Magistrate Dennis D. Green on a felony charge of possessing a firearm in a federal facility during commission of a crime.

18.   Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan also offered new state resources to help federal prosecutors continue its crackdown on felons who illegally possess firearms.

19.   Nelson, Pleasant and Bauer are also charged with possessing illegal firearms.

20.   Opponents of gun control often cite the Second Amendment, arguing that it protects the right to possess firearms.

v. + firearm >>共 137
carry 19.69%
use 11.01%
possess 7.90%
own 5.31%
buy 3.76%
sell 2.98%
have 2.46%
involve 1.94%
find 1.81%
discharge 1.68%
possess + n. >>共 502
weapon 8.93%
power 4.02%
firearm 3.83%
drug 3.33%
explosive 2.83%
gun 2.14%
cocaine 1.95%
ability 1.89%
arm 1.89%
document 1.38%
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