11.   Race is in the police radio descriptions, and race amplifies the anger on the street when the police drive up and arrest yet another dark-skinned man.

12.   Police drove to her home in West University Place, an upscale municipality surrounded by Houston.

13.   The police also drove by during the day.

14.   The police drove the no-longer-unidentified black male to a precinct in the City Hall Annex, just east of downtown.

15.   When he played in the Police Athletic League, the police would drive the neighborhood kids to their games in a paddy wagon, mortifying their parents.

16.   Police drove at high speeds at one activist, braking only at the last minute.

17.   Police drove Jin, an artist, to work Tuesday and were expected to bring him back later in the day, she said.

18.   Police drove the foreigners to an undisclosed location.

19.   Police drove through the busy Ginza district in a truck with a huge electric billboard that flashed pictures and descriptions of the wanted cultists.

20.   Police eventually drove the students back to the university, and also chased away journalists and told them not to report on the bin Laden pictures.

n. + drive >>共 1656
car 3.41%
man 2.60%
people 2.14%
force 1.80%
troop 1.15%
police 1.13%
woman 1.06%
truck 0.89%
vehicle 0.84%
motorist 0.84%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
drive 0.07%
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