11.   Meanwhile, planting delays in Southern corn-growing areas caused by wet weather boosted corn futures.

12.   Production already is being lost because of the planting delays, agronomists say, although crops can be sown through the coming weeks.

13.   Planting delays forced by incessant rain and the possibility of harvesting problems prompted U.S. Department of Agriculture officials last week to predict increased prices for fruits and vegetables.

14.   Planting delays have reached critical levels in some areas, and there has been more talk of switching intended corn acres to soybeans.

15.   Recent clear weather has allowed corn fields to recover from a two-week planting delay.

16.   Strength in soybean futures also came from planting delays.

17.   The corn crop has suffered from planting delays this spring and estimates of its size continue to shrink.

18.   The planting delays for row crops have affected much of the Corn Belt.

19.   The unfavorable weather could lead to some planting delays, which would support higher prices, traders said.

20.   To be sure, planting delays are present east of the Mississippi River, where soft red winter wheat is grown.

a. + delay >>共 423
long 13.13%
further 12.42%
bureaucratic 3.45%
lengthy 2.93%
repeated 2.66%
latest 1.95%
possible 1.88%
planting 1.76%
slight 1.69%
major 1.69%
planting + n. >>共 177
season 15.16%
delay 6.98%
tree 5.65%
evidence 4.46%
bomb 3.57%
progress 3.27%
area 2.53%
time 2.53%
restriction 2.23%
condition 1.93%
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