11.   So the human immune system kills the pig organs almost immediately.

12.   The anatomy and physiology of major pig organs such as heart, lungs, kidneys and livers are remarkably similar to human organs.

13.   The experiment that several groups are working toward is the permanent transplant of a pig organ into a baboon.

14.   The mixed immune system would permit long-term tolerance of the pig organ.

15.   The potential benefits of xenotransplantation, most likely using pig organs and tissues, are immense.

16.   The quality of donor pig organs will certainly be better than those from human cadavers.

17.   Third, critics warn that the pig organs could introduce deadly viruses into the recipients.

18.   We are trying to induce tolerance to a transplanted pig organ.

19.   A nearby hawker selling soup made from pig organs, a local specialty, stood idle.

20.   As science moves closer to using pig organs for human transplants, some experts caution that the technique could transfer deadly swine viruses.

n. + organ >>共 79
sex 16.34%
donor 14.05%
pig 13.73%
transplant 5.56%
body 4.90%
government 3.92%
security 3.27%
enforcement 2.61%
vomeronasal 2.61%
law 2.29%
pig + n. >>共 203
farm 11.61%
farmer 9.03%
organ 6.77%
cell 6.13%
export 2.58%
virus 1.94%
heart 1.77%
ear 1.45%
race 1.45%
farming 1.29%
每页显示:    共 42