11.   There is good evidence that gastrointestinal motor functions become impaired as diabetic patients develop autonomic neuropathy.

12.   In six patients the specimens still showed nodular argyrophil cell hyperplasia, and one patient had developed a carcinoid tumour.

13.   One patient developed a polypoid carcinoid but it was in a new location in the stomach.

14.   Two patients developed epithelial hyperplasia within the stent resulting in recurrent cholestasis for one and jaundice for the other, three and six months after stent placement, respectively.

15.   Four patients developed typical biliary colic.

16.   Clearly, therefore, factors other than the cumulative amount of alcohol consumed are involved in determining which patients develop liver disease.

17.   Five patients developed clinical pancreatitis -- three in the octreotide and two in the placebo groups.

18.   Five patients developed ERCP associated pancreatitis -- three in the octreotide and two in the placebo groups.

19.   The main argument against any method which preserves the gall bladder is stone recurrence but to assume that all patients will develop stone recurrence is incorrect.

20.   Two patients developed encephalopathy after TIPSS, in one patient this was controlled by the insertion of a smaller diameter stent within the existing TIPSS.

n. + develop >>共 1756
company 6.79%
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child 1.45%
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researcher 1.28%
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country 0.92%
patient + v. >>共 801
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die 3.74%
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