11.   Both just have one more examination to pass before gaining their Securities Institure Diploma.

12.   Almost a decade passed before big bands became universally popular.

13.   Almost an hour passed before the first sounds of honking geese could be heard.

14.   Analysts estimate that decades will pass before the Chunnel breaks even.

15.   An hour passed before our main courses arrived.

16.   Analysts said that if the Fed succeeds at reviving spending and the job market without touching off inflation, at least six months will pass before corporate earnings revive.

17.   And no one thinks that it will pass before Congress recesses.

18.   And it outlines several phases that the terrorists could expect to pass through before reaching God.

19.   And then, because of a lack of systematic procedures for the handling of DNA evidence, five more years passed before a match was made.

20.   And there in the few moments of this interview, the life of Muggsy Bogues passed before him.

v. + before >>共 965
appear 6.08%
go 4.33%
testify 3.59%
do 2.16%
say 1.93%
expect 1.42%
stand 1.42%
be 1.40%
speak 1.34%
take 1.31%
pass 0.71%
pass + p. >>共 75
along 21.38%
without 15.03%
in 9.28%
with 8.95%
around 6.75%
before 6.10%
by 5.58%
since 3.48%
at 3.38%
across 2.90%
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