11.   This dispute has been settled too late for the bill to be included in the parliamentary session that starts in November.

12.   He added that if swift action was taken, new legislation could be in place by the end of the parliamentary session.

13.   The plans come as ministers are understood to be finalising plans for legislation to introduce voluntary membership of student unions, with a bill likely next parliamentary session.

14.   Also, any debate on the possible supplementary budget for this year will be put off until the regular parliamentary session in January.

15.   As the parliamentary session was underway Saturday in Ankara, three men sped past a crowded Istanbul shopping center and hurled a fire bomb through a window.

16.   At the inaugural parliamentary session last week, officers were elected and the eldest member of parliament delivered the traditional welcoming speech.

17.   A parliamentary session that convenes on Monday appears likely to pass a censure motion that will open the door to impeachment proceedings sometime in the next three months.

18.   But he has been heading steadily in that direction, a move that became more apparent than ever this week as the prime minister opened a new parliamentary session.

19.   Cutting across party and ideological lines, the debate has dominated television talk shows, newspaper editorials and parliamentary sessions.

20.   Even as NATO warplanes reappeared in the skies overhead Friday, Montenegrins seemed more focused on the live coverage of the parliamentary session.

a. + session >>共 513
training 4.56%
straight 4.53%
first 4.07%
second 3.77%
legislative 3.19%
emergency 2.77%
next 2.70%
consecutive 2.48%
opening 2.16%
parliamentary 2.09%
parliamentary + n. >>共 557
election 22.27%
committee 5.27%
majority 4.49%
session 3.43%
immunity 3.40%
speaker 3.36%
seat 3.33%
approval 3.26%
debate 3.07%
commission 2.52%
每页显示:    共 310