11.   Federal regulators will not force Murdoch to restructure his company in order to comply with foreign ownership rules.

12.   FCC expects to make a decision on the foreign ownership rule with the next few months.

13.   Further relaxation of ownership rules is likely to be on the way.

14.   He told the Bloomberg forum today that a promised review of cross-media ownership rules under a coalition government might also include competition laws.

15.   However, proposed legislation already is in Congress that would relax media ownership rules.

16.   In private, Fininvest executives concede TV ownership rules need to be re-drawn.

17.   In Sydney the past week, Black said he will quit his stake in Fairfax if cross-media rules are relaxed and foreign media ownership rules maintained.

18.   Instead, they make sales calls and take advantage of the easing of ownership rules to put together chains of stations.

19.   It also comes amid an acquisition frenzy in the television industry as companies take advantage of looser ownership rules.

20.   Labor has created a web of cross-media and foreign media ownership rules.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
ownership 0.85%
ownership + n. >>共 203
group 11.78%
stake 8.32%
structure 5.77%
rule 5.60%
right 4.86%
limit 4.20%
restriction 4.20%
interest 4.12%
change 3.79%
dispute 2.97%
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