11.   And widespread use of oral rehydration therapy for malnourished children is saving more than a million lives a year.

12.   But if fluid loss is promptly corrected intravenously or by drinking oral rehydration solutions, the death rate falls to less than one percent.

13.   But why start with tiny pools of money for vaccines and oral rehydration therapy that save lives and for microenterprise loans, family planning and schools that build futures?

14.   Daulaire compared the effectiveness of vitamin A supplementation to oral rehydration therapy, the system of giving small packets containing water-soluble minerals lost during diarrhea.

15.   Others were laid in another section and given oral rehydration.

16.   Poor-country governments need to make existing cheap medicines, such as oral rehydration salts and childhood vaccines, more available.

17.   UNICEF programs have trained armies of women who monitor the weight of babies, provide oral rehydration therapy, promote breast-feeding and vaccinate children against measles and other diseases.

18.   Water and oral rehydration therapy are essential to the treatment of cholera.

19.   Oral rehydration salts, critical for treating cholera have been almost nonexistent in Monrovia since relief agency warehouses were looted two weeks ago.

20.   AID administers programs in everything from immunization and oral rehydration therapy for children to new agricultural technologies and training in science and economics for adults.

a. + rehydration >>共 7
oral 70.21%
aggressive 14.89%
intravenous 6.38%
cheap 2.13%
complete 2.13%
modern 2.13%
salt 2.13%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
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