11.   Cross selling advertising among clustered papers produces higher operating margins than the papers would earn on their own, the Web site continues.

12.   Desmarest said Total continued to reorganize its operations, putting more emphasis on exploration and production and less on refining and distribution where operating margins are much smaller.

13.   Driving hard bargains has allowed Martin to keep operating margins high as he melds operations and cuts overlap.

14.   Fiat said operating margins did improve as the quarter went on as a government incentive program for car sales took effect.

15.   Fiat said its operating margin improved during the half because the cost of introducing some new cars and tractors came early in the year.

16.   For instance, you can list the companies with the highest operating margins at the top by clicking on the Operating Margin column heading.

17.   Gourmet meals, unsurpassed customer service and posh terminals cut into operating margins.

18.   He estimated that capacity problems were shaving at least a percentage point off its operating margins this year.

19.   If UPS makes the right calls, it should be able to preserve the same operating margins during peak that it gets the rest of the year.

20.   In the interview, Benjamin said he had been trying to cut costs to get the operating expenses down, and to raise prices to improve operating margins.

a. + margin >>共 370
wide 10.11%
narrow 6.35%
gross 4.98%
large 4.11%
operating 2.90%
slim 2.87%
final 2.74%
comfortable 2.58%
higher 2.49%
overwhelming 2.26%
operating + n. >>共 423
cost 15.56%
profit 10.54%
expense 5.35%
company 4.65%
table 4.11%
loss 3.83%
income 3.01%
agreement 2.37%
margin 2.34%
unit 1.93%
每页显示:    共 90