11.   The actual point at which this occurs for an individual reader depends on their disposition.

12.   Stings in ed form are taken as they are, with a possible error occurring for a missing closing quote.

13.   And many of the cutting-edge discoveries are occurring for women.

14.   As they know, drastic improvements in economy, health care and the basic quality of life must occur for the face of AIDS to change in developing countries.

15.   Based on historical trends, Robbins calculates that a major market correction might not occur for another three months.

16.   After some wet snow early Friday along the Northeast coast, windswept rain will occur for much of the day.

17.   After-movements like this occur for two reasons.

18.   All of which has been occurring for more than a century.

19.   But Bargh contends that the impulse to judge occurs even for things people have never encountered before, like abstract shapes as well as nonsense words.

20.   But Stashefsky does have the misfortune of being an unwitting casualty of the pitfalls of global investing, which can occur even for the most passive investors.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
occur 0.04%
occur + p. >>共 77
in 41.15%
at 9.13%
on 7.73%
during 5.63%
near 4.25%
after 3.25%
with 2.50%
over 2.06%
before 2.05%
as 1.99%
for 0.76%
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