11.   Charlene Barshefsky, the U.S. trade representative, said as she nursed the wounds of Seattle.

12.   For nearly a month he was in hospital nursing his wounds.

13.   He could be in the woods, nursing his wounds and avoiding the television.

14.   He slipped off to a cave, nursing his wound in hiding for some two months or more.

15.   Returning soliders told their tales and nursed their wounds, but the war itself was largely invisible to the outside world.

16.   Scorned lovers south of the border, meanwhile, are nursing their wounds.

17.   She visited them each day, providing food, nursing their wounds, comforting them with words of love.

18.   Seven months after George W. Bush limped out of New Hampshire nursing the wounds from his primary defeat, the Texas governor returned for a stroll down memory lane.

19.   She was also trapped, and she nursed her wounds accordingly.

20.   Still, many longtime Brooklynites, along with those who have fled elsewhere, continue to nurse the wounds of the past.

v. + wound >>共 198
suffer 17.06%
heal 12.59%
have 10.10%
lick 5.57%
reopen 3.31%
close 3.25%
receive 2.96%
inflict 2.38%
sustain 2.38%
nurse 2.26%
nurse + n. >>共 225
injury 9.98%
wound 6.83%
baby 5.25%
supervisor 2.98%
mother 2.45%
grudge 2.10%
child 1.93%
cold 1.93%
infant 1.93%
ambition 1.58%
每页显示:    共 39