11.   Team members will review aerial photos, land and hydrology maps, slide potentials and noxious weeds, among other information sources.

12.   The seeding will encourage ground cover, slow erosion and help prevent the invasion of noxious weeds.

13.   The tobacco industry has been particularly successful in hooking teen-age girls and young blacks on this noxious weed.

14.   The twist is, these stories are all about the horrors of tobacco, and the nightmares smokers go through for another puff on the noxious weed.

15.   There are about a dozen plants on the federal noxious weed list, but horticulturists say the regulations are poorly enforced.

16.   This polygonum is a noxious weed, and uncontrolled bamboo can be just as invasive.

17.   When we ship it North, we not only get rid of a noxious weed, but require the Yankees to pay handsomely for it.

a. + weed >>共 184
noxious 5.09%
tall 2.69%
common 2.40%
overgrown 2.40%
perennial 2.40%
red 2.40%
aquatic 2.10%
annual 1.80%
poisonous 1.50%
invasive 1.20%
noxious + n. >>共 91
fume 23.86%
gas 12.28%
weed 5.96%
odor 4.91%
chemical 4.21%
substance 3.86%
emission 2.81%
smoke 2.46%
cloud 2.11%
agent 1.75%
每页显示:    共 17