11.   The noise was deafening.

12.   The noise deafens.

13.   The referee hears a signal or, if the noise of the crowd is deafening, he will still feel the armband vibrate.

n. + deafen >>共 32
silence 32.53%
noise 15.66%
din 4.82%
music 3.61%
explosion 2.41%
hypocrisy 2.41%
level 2.41%
place 2.41%
roar 2.41%
sound 2.41%
noise + v. >>共 204
be 37.61%
come 4.96%
make 2.66%
become 1.93%
cause 1.81%
deafen 1.57%
seem 1.45%
get 1.45%
stop 1.33%
go 1.09%
每页显示:    共 13