11.   After budget negotiations deadlocked, there were three partial government shutdowns.

12.   The negotiations have deadlocked over the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the West Bank city of Hebron and the release of Palestinian prisoners held by the Jewish state.

n. + deadlock >>共 43
jury 39.23%
talk 14.35%
negotiation 5.74%
juror 4.31%
remains 3.83%
panel 3.35%
committee 2.39%
negotiator 1.91%
process 1.91%
commission 1.44%
negotiation + v. >>共 323
be 26.25%
continue 9.08%
begin 6.92%
resume 6.38%
take 4.14%
fail 3.66%
go 3.12%
break_down 2.47%
stall 1.54%
start 1.49%
deadlock 0.22%
每页显示:    共 12