11.   It will need a solution large enough and durable enough to last at least that long.

12.   McCain acknowledged that a more comprehensive solution is needed, but he said any details would await the first week of his presidency.

13.   Now we need a solution.

14.   That may be a worthy goal, Western diplomats suggested, but a short-term solution is needed for the chaotic conditions in the country.

15.   We need longterm solutions.

16.   When principals and teachers surrender to failure, a radical solution is clearly needed.

17.   While most of the attention focused on Medicare, the trustees said long-range solutions also are needed for the Social Security trust fund.

18.   Who needs a solution?

19.   Yet critics say that the state programs will have minimal impact and that a comprehensive national solution is needed.

20.   Others say a broader solution is needed.

v. + solution >>共 376
find 27.44%
seek 7.96%
offer 5.66%
have 5.63%
reach 3.30%
provide 3.14%
negotiate 2.72%
propose 1.84%
impose 1.52%
discuss 1.33%
need 1.17%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
solution 0.15%
每页显示:    共 36