11.   Regardless of the changes the near future may bring, the central importance of the head as an exemplar of personal and professional qualities will remain.

12.   Will all members with unpaid subscriptions please forward a remittance in the very near future.

13.   For the first time cash market traders could hedge interest rate sensitive investments with a near comparable futures equivalent.

14.   I would guess that in the fairly near future, even Jack Walker will decide enough is enough.

15.   Temperatures in Western Siberia can be expected to increase by between one and two degrees centigrade in the near future, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

16.   This part of the Bill had Government support and it is reasonable to suppose that it will be re-introduced within the near future.

17.   In spite of the postponement, a number of senior Liberal Democrats believe the Convention should remain in a state of suspended animation for the near future.

18.   Is there any possibility of, in the near future of doing a council estate, like Barton or Blackbird Leys?

19.   All this unfolds in a near future when people have accepted the idea of cloning animals but not humans.

20.   Although technology, long-term, may pay big gains, analysts are divided over whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about the near future.

a. + future >>共 691
foreseeable 9.04%
immediate 8.13%
uncertain 7.32%
political 6.80%
bright 4.81%
near 3.97%
better 3.03%
financial 2.75%
economic 2.12%
brighter 1.67%
near + n. >>共 372
term 22.80%
future 14.44%
post 8.03%
standstill 2.74%
monopoly 2.55%
collapse 1.83%
certainty 1.57%
halt 1.18%
riot 1.18%
side 1.05%
每页显示:    共 220