11.   The instructions are one more sign that negotiations between the San Antonio theme park and East Coast powerhouses are nearing conclusion.

12.   The proposal, coming at the eleventh hour of a process that is nearing its conclusion on Capitol Hill was greeted by skepticism by some lawmakers in both parties.

13.   While Steinbrenner and Goodstein verbally criticize each other, the contract is nearing conclusion.

14.   With the often bitter confirmation process nearing its conclusion, a few senators sought to find a silver lining to the partisan wrangling.

15.   Write that down and pass it around the table when the holiday feast nears its conclusion.

16.   As the event neared its conclusion, Tracy saw his mirror full of Andretti.

17.   Negotiations between lawyers for Gilford and the nurses are nearing conclusion, The Age said.

18.   Republican objections to what the board considered a vote became stronger as the work neared its conclusion.

19.   With the Angolan peace process nearing its conclusion, Mandela is keen to increase trade and political relations.

20.   Chato said cases against those involved had been filed in appropriate courts and that the case against the Marcoses, filed two years ago, was nearing a conclusion.

v. + conclusion >>共 218
reach 27.66%
draw 24.45%
base 4.84%
support 4.33%
make 1.99%
dispute 1.73%
present 1.68%
announce 1.32%
near 1.17%
accept 0.92%
near + n. >>共 387
end 26.62%
completion 9.07%
agreement 3.74%
retirement 2.69%
top 1.64%
level 1.58%
zero 1.46%
conclusion 1.35%
decision 1.17%
collapse 0.99%
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