11.   The bankruptcy of Orange County, California -- the biggest municipal bankruptcy ever -- is turning chaotic.

12.   The derivatives lost enough money two years later to force the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.

13.   They did, causing what is believed to be the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history.

14.   It was the largest U.S. municipal bankruptcy in history.

15.   It was the biggest municipal bankruptcy case in history.

16.   Orange County sought bankruptcy protection last month, the biggest municipal bankruptcy in history, because of disastrous investments that soured when interest rates began rising last year.

a. + bankruptcy >>共 273
personal 14.24%
federal 11.27%
corporate 9.43%
new 3.32%
largest 3.06%
biggest 2.27%
possible 2.27%
fraudulent 1.48%
municipal 1.40%
recent 1.31%
municipal + n. >>共 503
election 16.43%
government 6.87%
official 5.44%
authority 4.38%
council 3.99%
worker 3.42%
building 2.70%
court 2.00%
service 1.94%
finance 1.87%
bankruptcy 0.41%
每页显示:    共 16