11.   Its move effectively delayed the ratification of the decrees which was critical to salvage the ailing economy.

12.   Some Arab countries suggested the move would delay the budding process of normalization with Israel.

13.   Some Arab countries suggested the move would delay the budding process of normalizing relations with Israel.

14.   The move could delay for months the implementation of the WTO decision demanding that the United States treat imported gasoline the same as domestic gasoline.

15.   The move could delay for months the implementation of the WTO demand that the United States treat all gasoline equally.

16.   The move delayed, and even defused, a power struggle between FIFA President Joao Havelange and Lennart Johanssen, head of the powerful European organization, UEFA.

17.   The surprise move could delay his trial for months.

18.   The withdrawal of Muslim representatives from the Mostar electoral commission prompted EU officials to admit that the move would delay elections.

19.   The move will delay any action against the judge, Eric Halphen, possibly until after the presidential election.

n. + delay >>共 685
rain 7.80%
government 4.59%
problem 2.82%
weather 2.69%
official 2.69%
company 2.43%
court 1.65%
judge 1.52%
administration 1.21%
leader 1.13%
move 0.82%
move + v. >>共 446
be 27.02%
come 9.70%
follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
have 1.66%
allow 1.47%
give 1.37%
appear 1.31%
mean 1.29%
delay 0.17%
每页显示:    共 19