11.   I detached them from the mother plant and replanted them.

12.   I need to know when is the best time to remove the new plants and not harm the mother plant.

13.   In two or three years, the daughter plants will become mother plants, and flower.

14.   Most biennial types will naturalize themselves by self-sowing or sending up side shoots from the mother plant.

15.   Or you can cut out the mother plant when it starts to look shabby and let the offsets continue to grow on in the pot.

16.   Raspberries send out runners, sometimes a considerable distance from the mother plant.

17.   Sedum is so easily propagated that stems accidently broken from the mother plant may root where they fall.

18.   The rhizomes radiate from the mother plant, ending in tubers that produce more plants.

19.   Then cut it from the mother plant, dig it up and plant it where you want it.

20.   Then he made cuttings from the mother plant.

n. + plant >>共 1068
assembly 8.92%
treatment 7.03%
water 3.61%
auto 2.89%
sewage 2.52%
car 2.49%
production 2.11%
truck 1.50%
desalination 1.24%
weapon 1.17%
mother 0.46%
mother + n. >>共 271
plant 5.30%
church 2.95%
bear 2.55%
company 2.55%
life 2.55%
board 1.57%
wolf 1.57%
bulb 1.38%
works 1.38%
mouse 1.18%
每页显示:    共 27