11.   Some of the milk was distributed as part of the monthly rations of food bought with the U.N.-allowed oil sales.

12.   The government announced Sunday that it would increase most monthly rations to Iraqis who suffer widespread shortages despite the U.N. oil-for-food deal.

13.   The monthly ration currently includes flour, rice, sugar, tea, lentils, salt, cooking oil, soap and detergent.

14.   The May mission found that food rations are lacking in vegetables, fruit and animal products and that monthly rations only last up to three weeks.

15.   The monthly ration for all Iraqis includes flour, rice, sugar, tea, lentils, salt, cooking oil, soap and detergent.

16.   The oil-for-food program gives people monthly rations.

17.   However, in the rest of the country the supplies are to be handed out by the government in monthly rations, under the supervision of UN observers.

18.   In October the government almost halved the monthly rations of four basic foodstuffs -- flour, rice, sugar and oil.

19.   Iraqis receive each a monthly ration of rice, sugar, flour, vegetable oil, soap and milk.

20.   She and her husband only manage to make ends meet with the monthly rations the government provides and with working afternoons as a receptionist in a restaurant.

a. + ration >>共 123
daily 8.05%
monthly 6.81%
military 6.50%
meager 6.19%
emergency 4.33%
full 2.79%
proper 2.17%
same 1.86%
combat 1.86%
extra 1.86%
monthly + n. >>共 681
payment 6.53%
report 6.10%
fee 5.64%
meeting 4.89%
bill 2.62%
magazine 2.16%
basis 1.93%
survey 1.66%
employment 1.58%
increase 1.56%
ration 0.46%
每页显示:    共 22