11.   He was a dutiful son of a senator and is now a stalwart of the moderate wing of the Democratic Party.

12.   Less is heard from the moderate wing of the church, exemplified by Henry Cardinal Gulbinowicz of Wroclaw in western Poland, Mazowiecki said.

13.   McCain proclaims his conservatism at every stop, but the reformist themes of his campaign have worked to revive the long-dormant moderate wing of the Republican Party.

14.   Moves such as this may help him with the more moderate wing of the Republican Party and make him a more acceptable presidential prospect.

15.   She has championed abortion rights, affirmative action and other causes of the moderate wing of the Republican Party.

16.   Sheik Abdallah Nimr Darwish, the founder of the movement and a leader of its moderate wing, said that violence should be firmly resisted.

17.   Stevens has been the most liberal of the moderate wing on the Rehnquist court.

18.   Still, Bush also named people to appeal to the moderate wing of his party, including Gov. Christie Whitman of New Jersey, to oversee the environment.

19.   That defection split the Communist ranks, as the more moderate wing left to form its own party, unwilling to be held responsible for defeating a leftist government.

20.   That sort of support may pay off for the leadership later if the moderate wing does hold the balance of power next year, said one leadership aide.

a. + wing >>共 620
military 12.53%
political 11.76%
armed 7.66%
new 3.79%
chicken 3.52%
solar 2.95%
conservative 2.72%
liberal 1.72%
moderate 1.49%
front 1.46%
moderate + n. >>共 795
earthquake 5.71%
leader 4.18%
growth 3.97%
party 2.26%
heat 2.15%
gain 1.80%
politician 1.80%
wind 1.68%
voter 1.41%
nationalist 1.37%
wing 0.75%
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