11.   Crawford says her group tries to debunk the myths by showing prospective pledges how members participate in many campus activities.

12.   Faculty members participated in the selection process, Shuart said.

13.   Headed by a doctor in Italy, the team members participate in the marathon series and are administered a battery of physical and psychological tests, Westerman explained.

14.   Indeed, talk-show culture turns out to be a culture of deceit in which guests, producers and audience members all participate to varying degrees.

15.   Lynn Parrish, speaking for the mint, said it was customary for a family member to participate in the design process.

16.   Seven hundred members participated in the survey.

17.   She said the NRA was indirectly connected to the marksmanship program because NRA members participate.

18.   Ten City Council members participated in the blood drive.

19.   The association has an arbitration process in which all its members must participate.

20.   The group does not practice any particular tribal religion, nor are members required to participate in tribal religious ceremonies.

n. + participate >>共 490
company 4.31%
country 3.70%
troop 3.37%
player 3.15%
people 2.93%
party 2.49%
student 2.32%
woman 1.99%
member 1.99%
group 1.88%
member + v. >>共 800
be 14.84%
say 8.92%
have 3.40%
include 1.50%
vote 1.26%
want 1.09%
take 1.09%
agree 1.03%
meet 0.93%
make 0.78%
participate 0.15%
每页显示:    共 36