11.   But UNDP officials said the real commitments will be made once the Tokyo meetings conclude.

12.   Gains were limited since many investors refused to commit fresh capital to Mexico until after the FOMC meeting concludes.

13.   He said he was sure the meeting would conclude with a handshake and a stamp on his Colombian passport, making him a legal resident of the United States.

14.   If the meeting concludes without an announcement, that indicates the Fed left interest rates unchanged.

15.   If the meeting concludes without an announcement, that indicates the Fed left rates unchanged.

16.   If the meeting must conclude by taking an action, then schedule it.

17.   Talks are expected to last another week or so before an Arafat-Barak meeting can conclude the arrangements.

18.   The annual meeting is often held in Orlando, Fla., or Anaheim, enabling shareholders to attend Disney theme parks free after the meeting concludes.

19.   The four-day meeting concluded Friday.

20.   The meeting should conclude with all parties agreeing that merit, equity and experience are the key factors that will determine promotions.

n. + conclude >>共 613
report 7.70%
study 5.83%
investigator 4.08%
official 3.13%
investigation 2.92%
researcher 2.51%
commission 2.08%
expert 2.03%
court 1.92%
panel 1.84%
meeting 1.32%
meeting + v. >>共 572
be 29.10%
take 11.28%
come 4.37%
end 2.99%
discuss 2.66%
begin 2.51%
go 2.01%
follow 1.89%
focus 1.69%
include 1.64%
conclude 0.57%
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