11.   Local media published a list of six Pakistanis, two Bolivians and a person of unspecified nationality purportedly sought by U.S. authorities.

12.   Local media have published accounts from witnesses and survivors of torture and rape who said they were victimized by the military in Aceh.

13.   Mexican media published a list of six Pakistanis, two Bolivians and a person of unspecified nationality purportedly sought by U.S. authorities.

14.   State-run media published his comments Tuesday.

15.   State media usually publish brief resumes about foreign leaders who visit.

16.   The Russian media published excerpts last week.

17.   In a recent letter to The New York Times, the Unabomber offered to stop the bombings if the national media would publish a manuscript on his views.

18.   The official media has published a lengthy series of articles and commentaries denouncing the trip as a further attempt to split Taiwan from the mainland.

19.   The Sri Lankan print and electronic media have not published the rebel claims because of a censorship on news related to military matters.

20.   The government however would not allow the media to publish names or pictures of those detained as it could leave psychological and emotional scars on them, he added.

n. + publish >>共 385
newspaper 22.18%
magazine 5.80%
paper 5.21%
company 4.47%
government 3.94%
group 2.82%
report 2.13%
poll 1.49%
journal 1.38%
study 1.17%
medium 1.12%
medium + v. >>共 810
report 23.93%
say 10.83%
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have 2.40%
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