11.   The post is manned by only two Ukrainian peacekeepers who wish to withdraw but are being prevented from doing so by government troops, he said.

12.   The post was manned by only about three dozen soldiers who called in two armored vehicles for backup.

13.   The posts are being manned by medics and mechanics.

14.   The post is manned by Israeli troops and militiamen of the allied South Lebanon Army.

15.   An Israeli helicopter hovered overhead as Palestinian policemen and Israeli border guards manned their posts.

16.   Army and navy troops are manning check posts and continue mobile patrols.

17.   But Russian soldiers manning a post on a hill near Mairtup that overlooked the fighting said the village was not being stormed.

18.   The policeman was hit in the chest by automatic weapons fire while manning his post near the main boulevard along the dividing line.

19.   The spokesman said the peacekeepers were still manning their posts.

20.   The policeman was hit in the chest by automatic weapons fire while manning his post near the main boulevard along the dividing line, Hina said.

v. + post >>共 377
hold 13.05%
leave 8.10%
hit 7.53%
resign 5.04%
take 4.72%
fill 4.57%
retain 4.04%
quit 3.09%
assume 3.04%
keep 2.48%
man 0.65%
man + n. >>共 230
checkpoint 18.33%
roadblock 12.50%
barricade 4.03%
post 3.61%
position 2.64%
phone 1.81%
station 1.81%
outpost 1.53%
gate 1.25%
road 1.25%
每页显示:    共 26