11.   Creditors were hoping to persuade Nigeria to abandon its long-standing refusal to borrow from the IMF in order to make funds available for a buyback of commercial debt.

12.   Official funding would be made available for party political broadcasts and electoral rolls were to be updated.

13.   However, seeing these are carried out satisfactorily and that adequate resources are made available for doing so, is the responsibility of the Head Area Staff.

14.   Ensure that agreement has been reached with the libraries about making documents available for consultation before this facility is publicised.

15.   It is concerned with the forms energy can take, how efficiently it can be used and to what extent energy can be made available for useful work.

16.   For instance, a rock shattered through physical weathering will be more liable to chemical weathering because of the increased surface area made available for chemical reactions.

17.   However, many important datasets would not be made available for secondary use without the Archive undertaking to administer some control on behalf of the data owner.

18.   Most of this land could not, in fact, be made available for early development.

19.   Statutory controls should be introduced on industrial and commercial development, and resources made available for the removal of existing inappropriate developments.

20.   It can be readily made available for general use.

v. + available + for >>共 15
be 91.34%
make 6.34%
become 1.19%
remain 0.40%
have 0.30%
leave 0.12%
keep 0.10%
declare 0.04%
fund 0.04%
consider 0.02%
make + available + p. >>共 34
to 54.39%
for 19.08%
in 5.75%
by 5.45%
on 4.12%
at 2.60%
through 2.00%
over 1.27%
as 0.91%
from 0.61%
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