11.   Is there a teaching hospital where I can get a lower rate, or can I contract this job to the lowest bidder?

12.   It allows school districts to bypass laws requiring that all municipal agencies award contracts to the lowest bidder.

13.   Kraus has either ignored the orders or conducted bidding in such a way that his companies were the lowest bidders, according to city records and former city officials.

14.   Lindenbaum said he was the lowest bidder for the plumbing job.

15.   Many construction companies ignore the OSHA rules because they are so eager to be the lowest bidder on a project, Witt said.

16.   MTA officials, who are permitted by law to award contracts to nonunion companies, said that Roy Kay won the contract because it was the lowest bidder.

17.   Ninety percent of the time they get their business by being the lowest bidder.

18.   Patterns and textures are attractive, and the materials no longer announce that they were from the lowest bidder.

19.   Only in that way will patients be somewhat protected from the miserly machinations of managed care that sell our health care to lowest bidders to maximize business profit.

20.   Race will even count more than cost, so contracts will not necessarily go to the lowest bidders.

a. + bidder >>共 206
highest 18.97%
potential 10.05%
winning 7.30%
successful 4.86%
possible 3.68%
rival 2.70%
the 2.49%
only 2.27%
lowest 2.16%
losing 2.11%
lowest + n. >>共 437
level 31.08%
price 9.45%
point 7.61%
rate 3.96%
cost 2.16%
score 2.00%
bidder 1.27%
unemployment 1.24%
fare 1.14%
income 1.05%
每页显示:    共 40