11.   As with people, the hungrier deer are, the more things on the menu look good to them.

12.   A dirty job that looks pretty good to Fox.

13.   A relatively safe and steady profit stream looks very good to investors today.

14.   A Towers Perrin survey says that, yes, companies want to be in official compliance -- because they want to look good to shareholders.

15.   But in your case, rental prices that drive Manhattanites crazy might look good to you.

16.   But in the past year, Americans have taken a such a beating in the stock market that even low-interest certificates of deposit look good to many.

17.   But recent public polls show that he looks good to his former constituents for a White House bid.

18.   But to a starving man, even a crumb looks good to you.

19.   But when he snagged the coveted statuette, Gooding looked good to defy the odds and break big as a leading actor.

20.   By comparison, even Milosevic, who was vital in ramming through the Dayton peace agreement, looks good to many Western diplomats.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 65.92%
look 14.25%
sound 14.03%
feel 2.00%
taste 1.78%
smell 0.89%
seem 0.67%
have 0.22%
take 0.22%
look + good + p. >>共 32
for 24.83%
in 24.31%
on 17.41%
to 11.03%
with 5.34%
at 3.62%
as 2.76%
against 1.90%
by 1.21%
from 1.21%
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