11.   Stankewicz said he went to the school his stepchildren once attended because he was unable to locate the home of his ex-wife, who has remarried.

12.   The home is located in a residential neighborhood near two public schools, a day care center and the University of Connecticut Health Center.

13.   The homes are located in poor areas and some provide food, furniture and other services.

14.   The home itself was located in a village not far from my school, and it had a large spacious compound.

15.   The homes are located in Walajeh, an Arab village that straddles the line between Jerusalem and the West Bank.

16.   The homes were located in North-Rhine Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria state.

17.   The one-story homes are located in the one-fifth of Hebron that Israel still controls.

18.   The museum in Victoria has returned hundreds of remains to Aboriginal groups around Australia and is still trying to locate homes for others.

19.   The targeted homes are located in the village of Sarulesti and have been bombarded by the mysterious hail of stones nightly for the past week, the reports said.

20.   Mother Teresa did not say where she planned to locate the home for victims of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in India or when it would open.

v. + home >>共 422
leave 7.16%
flee 6.27%
have 4.81%
build 4.00%
buy 3.68%
find 3.46%
destroy 3.17%
lose 2.71%
own 2.70%
sell 2.27%
locate 0.18%
locate + n. >>共 810
body 2.33%
plant 2.12%
office 1.76%
source 1.55%
site 1.47%
people 1.22%
center 1.06%
man 1.02%
wreckage 0.94%
grave 0.94%
home 0.82%
每页显示:    共 20