11.   One FEMA evaluator did not know that One Liberty Plaza was in Lower Manhattan, let alone adjacent to the World Trade Center.

12.   Several members of the European Parliament have responded by urging that the party be let alone.

13.   Since then, they have done a lot of the work themselves, guided by a philosophy of choosing their battles, or knowing when to let things alone.

14.   So far, for example, few wireless subscribers even know they have text-messaging, let alone how to use it.

15.   Some had been told they were too frail and fragile to wander into the wilds without a man, let alone.

16.   The right to be let alone includes the right not to be caught on videotape.

17.   The woman pushed the men away, and they finally let her alone.

18.   They need to be let alone, but that also is hard because of the interest in them.

19.   Unless you truly know what you are doing, let it alone.

v. + alone >>共 21
leave 83.83%
find 6.95%
let 3.26%
get 1.42%
make 1.28%
drive 0.57%
put 0.43%
hold 0.28%
see 0.28%
believe 0.14%
let + a. >>共 2
loose 86.71%
alone 13.29%
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