11.   Dr. Michael Miller, the surgeon who installed a segment of my leg bone in my jaw, tells me this is now a fairly well-rehearsed procedure.

12.   Hatchlings at the zoo were developing weak leg bones and soft beaks, indicating a calcium deficiency.

13.   He compared the circumference of the bones with their length, and found that the child had leg bones strong enough to support a stocky Neanderthal body.

14.   He had not seen a leg bone the hiker also had reported seeing.

15.   In a lopsided refrigerator, a leg bone was wrapped haphazardly in old cloth.

16.   In the knee, this cartilage, called the meniscus, forms a disk-like cushion between the upper and lower leg bones.

17.   Knees, ankles and leg bones also take frequent beatings.

18.   One leg bone was splintered, clumps of her hair were missing, and she had been sexually abused.

19.   Picture your knee from the side and realize that your upper leg bone, with your knee as the axis, will move in a semi-circle around that axis.

20.   Patellar tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the kneecap to the leg bone.

n. + bone >>共 160
collar 9.70%
leg 8.91%
dinosaur 7.60%
thigh 6.03%
tiger 4.33%
cheek 3.28%
jaw 3.15%
breast 2.49%
fish 2.36%
shin 2.23%
leg + n. >>共 278
injury 27.24%
spinner 6.08%
muscle 5.23%
wound 3.63%
room 3.39%
cramp 3.39%
iron 3.39%
bone 3.20%
side 2.36%
stump 2.12%
每页显示:    共 68