11.   Carter left them speechless in Seattle last week as he played four ways for the Chiefs in their impressive victory over the Seahawks.

12.   Even the most fluent grill operators can be left speechless on occasion.

13.   His fellow players were left speechless.

14.   If you find that looking at a microphone leaves you speechless, several books are available to help.

15.   It is about the only time he has been left temporarily speechless all week.

16.   Just two months ago, his farewell speech before the U.S. Senate left colleagues speechless.

17.   Of course, it could be a one-sided phone call because Sosa could be left speechless by the shock of the news.

18.   Prosecutors, who thought they had built a strong circumstantial case against Ramsey and a winnable case against Walker, were left speechless.

19.   Rather, we are left speechless as we ponder the vexing issues.

20.   Some left you speechless with their daring claims and high prices.

v. + speechless >>共 5
leave 61.54%
render 26.92%
strike 7.69%
have 1.92%
make 1.92%
leave + a. >>共 1138
alone 8.21%
open 6.03%
unchanged 3.85%
vulnerable 3.36%
homeless 2.39%
unable 2.28%
untouched 2.07%
early 2.03%
vacant 1.82%
unattended 1.68%
speechless 0.44%
每页显示:    共 32