11.   Pakistan denies its troops are involved and accused India of launching the airstrikes as a precursor to annexing Pakistani territory.

12.   A Russian Foreign Ministry source said Russia may cut off relations with NATO if the alliance launches airstrikes against Yugoslavia for failing to sign the peace treaty.

13.   A U.S.-led force launched airstrikes Sunday against Afghanistan because the United States accuses the hardline Muslim Taliban of harboring chief terror suspect Osama bin Laden.

14.   After long months of agonizing, NATO finally made its decision to launch airstrikes against Yugoslavia.

15.   And while the alliance has said it will launch airstrikes, it has so far refrained from doing that.

16.   Before the attacks on peacekeepers became known, NATO warned it would launch airstrikes if Croatian troops threaten or harm U.N. personnel.

17.   But early Saturday, as the United States prepared to launch airstrikes, the Baghdad government announced it would allow unconditional inspections to resume.

18.   But the sudden withdrawal of weapons inspectors and other U.N. personnel heightened speculation that the U.S. would launch airstrikes in the next few days.

19.   Butler says he reported honestly that Iraq had not fully cooperated and insists that he played no part in the decision to launch airstrikes.

20.   Butler says he reported honestly that Iraq had not fully cooperated with U.N. weapons inspectors and insists that he played no part in the decision to launch airstrikes.

v. + airstrikes >>共 148
launch 14.13%
oppose 6.13%
threaten 4.98%
carry 4.09%
suspend 3.47%
order 3.38%
protest 2.76%
condemn 2.49%
authorize 2.40%
end 2.31%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
airstrikes 1.37%
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